As a parent, it is vital not only to know and understand but also to practice the key elements
for your student's academic success, safety and well-being, and positive social development.

Students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently -- that is, when they are on time and at school every day. It is difficult for the teacher and class to build their skills and progress when students are frequently absent or tardy. In fact, missing just a few days in a row may cause a student to miss an entire unit of curriculum (referred to as a "gap" in learning). And, since almost all teachers use the morning hours, when students are fresh, to teach the core subjects of reading and/or math, consistent tardiness can cause a significant learning gap in those important subjects.
The Jeffries attendance goal is 95% attendance or above for all students. That means missing less than eight days of school per year.
Check out these links for more information:
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that occurs intentionally and repeatedly (more than once at any time or over time). It also involves an imbalance of power between the bully and victim, which can be physical, emotional or social.
Types of bullying include:
Physical (hitting, kicking, etc.)
Verbal (name calling, threats, etc.)
Social (gossip, exclusion, etc.)
Cyberbullying (using technology to bully)
Not all "bad" behavior is bullying. Be careful not to use the term "bullying" when the behavior is a one-time occurrence or "kidding around" between friends. Behavior must include ALL the elements of "STOP" (Several Times, On purpose and Power) before it is labeled bullying.
Check out these links for more information:

Social skills are simply the abilities necessary for people to get along with one another and create positive, meaningful relationships.
This includes:
Using manners
Greeting others
Respecting others and their property
Accepting responsibility for actions
Encouraging and including others
Check out these links for more information: