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Community Resources for Student and Family Support


Sometimes you just need a little extra help.  There are many free and reduced cost resources in the Greene County area

that can help you meet your basic needs.  Please read below for some of the services that are available and

how you can contact the various providers to obtain their services. 

The mission of Care to Learn is to meet emergent student needs in the areas of HEALTH, HUNGER, and HYGIENE in order to assure that every child has the resources he/she needs to be successful in school.


You may request clothing, shoes, socks, underwear, lice shampoo, shampoo, conditioner, hairbrushes, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sanitary napkins/tampons, food, eyeglasses, laundry vouchers, etc.  If the need is not one of the items listed, but you think might be covered based on health, hunger or hygiene needs of a student, please go ahead and submit the request and the Health Services office will determine if the need is covered by Care to Learn and will respond as quickly as possible to assist.


Care to Learn DOES NOT FUND field trips, band instruments, school supplies, books, etc.


Contact:  Jeffries School Nurse, 523-3900.

CPO creates opportunities for communication, cooperation and collaboration and reduces duplication of services by emphasizing the sharing of resources.  The diverse programs and services provided by the agency address community issues in a holistic manner.   They include after school clubs and academic enrichment, parent involvement, early childhood, housing and homeless prevention, social work and crisis intervention, parent education, substance abuse and violence prevention, financial literacy, youth mentoring, and neighborhood revitalization.



330 N. Jefferson Ave.                                   Hours of Operation:
Springfield, MO 65806                                      Monday-Friday

(417) 888-2020 phone                                        8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

(417) 888-2322 fax                             


Burrell is a private, not-for-proft organization that provides a wide range of mental health services for individuals and families, as well as educational programs.  Their services are designed to be responsive to the specific needs of the individuals they serve.  Burrell provides a comprehensive range of mental health services for children, adolescents, families, adults and senior adults. Their service array is designed to provide as much care as is needed, but no more than is needed. Each program and service is designed to offer treatment consistent with an individual’s or family’s unique needs.



Burrell Behavioral Health              
1300 East Bradford Parkway
Springfield, MO 65804

Phone: 417.761.5000


The CDR is located on the campus of MSU in the Department of Communications.  It provides services and supports programs that help people take control of their lives.  In a world where conflict often dictates distrust, stifles communication, and leads to costly and contentious legal remedies, the center supports a variety of opportunities to promote effective change.




901 S. National

Phone: (417) 836-8831



Check out this link for a one-stop spot for housing, utilities, emergency and special needs, mental health, parent support, health, transportation, clothing and food resources.


Jordan Valley Community Health Center strives to improve the health of our community by providing high quality and accessible medical, dental, behavioral, vision, WIC and pharmacy services. 


JVCHC Care Coordinators can help you take advantage of the services, benefits, and resources available to you within their system and the community.  Care Coordinators can:

  • help you find resources within and outside of the clinic for various needs, making necessary appointments and referrals

  • explain Medicaid benefits and explore eligibility for programs

  • help pediatric patients with inactive Medicaid, allowing the patient to obtain immediate coverage and be seen by a provider

  • help women with positive pregnancy tests apply for TEMP and Mo Healthnet for Pregnant Women, allowing them to begin immediate prenatal care

  • follow up with patients to ensure the needed care is being received


Contact:  (417) 831-0150

The mission of Isabel's House is to provide immedate refuge for children ages birth to 12 whose families are in crisis.    Isabel's House provides temporary residental care for children 24 hours a day / 365 days a year  when there is a crisis or trouble at home.  They work with families to provide a safe place for children to stay while connecting families to local resources to reduce the crisis and reconnect family. 


Contact:  (417) 865-CARE (2273)

OACAC is a non-profit agency working toward alleviating the causes and conditions of poverty in the Ozarks.  It offers seven programs: Family Planning, Foster Grandparents, Head Start, Housing, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP), Neighborhood Centers and Weatherization.


OACAC Central Office
215 S. Barnes Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802-2204
417.862.4314 Phone
417.864.3495 TDD
417.864.3499 Fax

Center City Counseling offers a variety of counseling services to children, couples, individuals and families in the greater Springfield area at low or no cost.  The clinic is a service of the Counseling, Leadership and Special Education Department of Missouri State University


Contact:   (417) 836-3215



Lost & Found provides grief support to individuals and families.  The center works with the bereaved to provide education and support while they travel their journey of grief to find peace, hope, and a new normal as they face life without their deceased loved one.  


Contact:                                                        Daily Operations Office

Phone: 417-865-9998                                2840 E. Chestnut, Suite C
Fax:  417-832-9423                                    Springfield, MO 65802









4051 S. Scenic

Springfield, MO  65807


(417) 523-3900

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